Speaker Details

Ville Eskelinen Hevtec

Ville Eskelinen

With over 17 years of experience in electric powertrain design, Ville is one of the founders and the CEO of Hevtec. Before founding Hevtec, he worked for Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, where his focus was practical teaching of electric powertrain engineering and related control systems. The projects included building two wirelessly charged EVs, an electric bus and a remotely operated forest machine.


Modern electric powertrain: enabler for predictive maintenance

Modern electric powertrain components generate extensive data, which can be logged by the machine control units and used for predictive maintenance. For example, inverters typically offer a vast number of signals for analysis, and battery management systems provide detailed information on battery status and health. However, expertise is required to collect and analyze this data effectively. Scheduling planned maintenance before a machine breaks down, while at the same time avoiding unnecessary maintenance, brings direct valuable benefits for the end users, machine owners and OEMs.